Higher Standards
Better Results
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The down market has spurred an industry evolution — the "pruning" of brokerage operations that lack creative programs to generate sufficient business or the financial resources to weather the storm. For us, this represents tremendous opportunity.
These ads are designed to target those brokerages for acquisition in weakened states. We call them "wounded animals." Properly orchestrated, these companies can be purchased at distressed prices for the sole purpose of obtaining their agent rosters. These ads should prove especially effective since advertising designed by any one brokerage to recruit individual agents away from another is prohibited in industry publications. So, rather than directing our message to individual agents, we instead position ourselves to acquire the companies they work for.
TEAM ADS — 'Keller Was Wrong' Series
Gary Keller authored the best-selling book The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. It is perhaps the most widely read how-to book written in this generation for aspiring real estate agents. Its central theme is that agents must form and manage a "team" to enjoy higher levels of success. While much of Keller’s book offers great advice, we believe that our systems provide better ways – more cost efficient and time efficient ways – to perform at higher levels.
In response, we have developed a series of ads targeting Keller’s readers. The series is designed to lead them to a one-page website which outlines our position and ultimately directs them to our YourNameAndAssociates.com site, where they can learn more about our alternatives.
Recruiting is critical to any brokerage. Yet most approach it passively. Not us. We have a prepared "drip campaign," a series of ads to be delivered to agents by email on a regular schedule. Each is written to hit a "hot button" of agents who would consider switching brokerages.
No competitor has anything like it.
Here's another approach we will employ:
Frequently Placed Postings
Whether on social networking sites, CraigsList or the many agent-to-agent blogs where agents share ideas, we'll capitalize on all opportunities to spread the word.
A sample ad or blog post might look like the one to the right:
Let's Join Teams
Top real estate agent team seeks to merge with similar team.
I believe we can cut duplicated expenses and team supervision time while increasing market share and profitability. Visit this website for more information: www.LetsJoinTeams.com
AGENT ADS — 'Busy Mom' Series
The majority of real estate agents are women. Many enter the business as busy moms. Since there is no way to predict when offers must be written, or when they arrive, a common problem is rapidly changing schedules, often resulting in strain on the family. Accordingly, these ads are designed to strike a chord among women facing stress with their kids.
Agent teams have existed for decades. Teams were supposed to create time savings for the top-producing listing agents., but managing the teams consumes the time saved. We solve that problem.
These ads target those who have teams or are thinking about creating one.
Not all licensees devote full time to real estate so we created a program just for part-timers.
Our Referrals Only Real Estate [RORE] brokerage provides its part-time agents with their own marketing system, which is directed to their sphere-of-influence contacts. The agents provide their email address list, and our automated email system 'touches' them on a regular schedule. When they’re ready to buy or sell, we provide them a list of three top agents for them to interview. Our full-time agents receive the business and the RORE agent earns a referral fee.
These ads are designed to deliver our message, often with a bit of humor so as to be welcome by the recipients.
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